Parashara 7 Telugu Astrology Software Free Dowloadl \/\/TOP\\\\
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Parashara 7 Telugu Astrology Software Free Dowloadl \/\/TOP\\\\
This software was designed and written by P.V.R. Narasimha Rao. He is a software engineer and astrologer hailing from India and living near Boston, US. He has engineering degrees from IIT, Madras/Chennai and Rice University, Houston. He is also a Sanskrit scholar. He authored a textbook, many magazine articles and research articles and teaches astrology near Boston. You can read more about him here.
In terms of the range of calculations available, technical depth and breadth, level of customizability of calculations and ease of use, Jagannatha Hora is unsurpassed by any contemporary Vedic astrology software package. If interested, please check out a nearly complete list of the features.
Thank you for using this software. Please use it to help people and to conduct researches to enrich our collective understanding of Vedic astrology. It is the author's earnest and sincere hope that your use of this software will result in a lot of souls being helped and also in a renaissance in the knowledge of Vedic astrology! 153554b96e